How To Save Money On Your Commercial Plumbing & Drainage

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Commercial Plumbing & Drainage

If you’re working on a commercial construction project, you may be wondering how to install plumbing and drainage in the most cost-effective way. We understand that every project needs to adhere to a budget, and it may be tempting to cut costs.

Ultimately, the best way to save money on plumbing and drainage for your project is to plan ahead. Getting things right the first time around will save you time, money and energy later down the track – even if this means investing a bit more into the initial stages.

Here are our tips on how to get your plumbing and drainage set up in the most cost-effective way possible.

Plan ahead

It’s no secret that planning ahead is essential in the construction process. Here are some basic steps to help you get your plumbing and drainage sorted:

  • Get a quote from a few licensed commercial plumbers
  • Have architectural drawings ready to go, as well as all relevant project information
  • Consider the cost of labour, fixtures (baths, showers, taps, sinks) and installation

Save Money on Plumbing and Drainage

Install correctly

Once you’ve got a clear budget, your plans are in place and you’ve got a few quotes, it’s time to turn your attention to how you’re plumbing will be installed.

To really save money in the long run and protect yourself from issues down the line, we strongly recommend hiring experienced, qualified professionals to handle the installation. Before you lock in the plumber who provided the cheapest quote, you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing someone who’s the right fit for your project. Remember, investing in getting things right in the early stages will make a big difference in the longevity of your project.

In order to find the right plumber, have a chat to any you may be interested in working with. Be sure to discuss anything important to you and your project, such as:

  • Previous experience. Have they worked on projects of a similar scale and budget to yours?
  • Work ethic. Are they confident project managers, and do they follow WHS guidelines?
  • Communication skills and customer service. Are they able to communicate clearly, answer your questions and respond to you in a reasonable timeframe?

Choosing plumbers and drainers that are proficient in these areas will help make the construction process a whole lot easier and you can be confident that your project will be in safe hands.

Get regular maintenance

Once your plumbing has been successfully installed and your project is complete, it’s important to get regular maintenance. Failing to do so can lead to minor issues turning into emergencies, which will cost you a lot of time and energy, and will compromise the safety of your building.

We recommend scheduling an annual maintenance visit from your plumber. They’ll be able to check your water usage, fixtures, gutters, hot water systems, supply line, water catchment, ventilation and more. They’ll also be able to complete some minor repairs, to prevent emergencies down the track.

Speak to the experts

If you’re working on a construction project and need professional, qualified commercial plumbers, get in touch with our friendly team at Limcora on 1300 006 606. We can provide you with a free quote and chat to you about how to make your experience as smooth and cost-effective as possible.

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