Housing Developments Go Green: How to Make Your Next Project More Sustainable

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Housing Developments Go Green

There’s been a growing push in the construction industry to consider environmental impacts when building new housing developments. There have even been some government initiatives helping developers create more eco-friendly estates. From installing solar panels to planting rooftop gardens, developers are finding new and innovative ways to go green.

What many people may not consider is how plumbing can impact the sustainability of a project. Saving water is about more than just turning your taps off tightly, and there are many ways that commercial plumbers have been able to construct systems to create an eco-friendlier space.

Here are some of our tips for setting up your next project with a solid, sustainable plumbing and drainage system.

Invest in good quality materials

While it may be tempting to find the best deal on pipes, taps and other fixtures, you’re much better investing in sturdy, high-quality materials. High-quality materials are much less likely to wear down quickly or break unexpectedly. This means you’ll need to replace them less often, therefore contributing less waste.

High-quality materials will also generally have a longer life expectancy, meaning they’re less likely to rupture or break. This prevents excess water wastage from leaking taps and also saves you money on repairs and replacements.

Get your plumbing and drainage installed by a professional

Working with a professional while planning and installing your plumbing has many benefits. They will be able to:

  • Recommend good-quality materials to use
  • Install everything correctly, leading to less waste and repairs in the future
  • Provide advice for ongoing management

It’s best to start working with your chosen commercial plumber early in the process, so they can advise on the best way to install systems and how to integrate drainage with the natural landscape.

Sustainable Plumbing

Get regular maintenance

A leaking tap may seem harmless, but it can waste litres of water every day. In a housing estate, the amount of water lost through multiple leaking taps can really add up! Get your plumber in to take a look, and they’ll be able to locate the source and fix up the issue promptly.

It’s also important to schedule regular maintenance visits with your plumbing and drainage team. They’ll be able to complete any repairs and replace worn-down existing parts with better-quality materials.

Rethink your fixtures and appliances

There are many eco-friendly fixtures and appliances on the market that can help regulate water usage. These include:

  • Water-saving toilets
  • Water-saving taps and showerheads
  • Pressure-reducing valves on the main water line
  • Solar hot water systems
  • Rainwater tanks

When selecting appliances, look out for the WELS rating. This is the star system that tells you the water efficiency of an appliance.

Reclaim and repurpose water

Consider setting up a system that recycles greywater. This water from baths, sinks, showers and washing machines can then be repurposed to water the garden or flush toilets. The system can be set up to immediately redirect greywater to the gardens, or you can use a treatment system that stores and treats the water for future use.

Installing an eco-friendly plumbing system isn’t just good for the environment, but it can also save you money in the future. Selecting good-quality materials prevents unnecessary damage while choosing water-saving appliances helps you use less water overall.

For more advice on how to make your next construction project more eco-friendly, get in touch with the team at Limcora Plumbing & Drainage at our Western Sydney or Tasmania locations. We’ll be happy to help you out!

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