5 ways to prevent hair building up in your drains and pipes

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Hair Causing Clogged Drains

Husbands, boyfriends, brothers, and fathers all know it. Any man who has ever shared a bathroom with a woman knows the frustration of a woman’s hair. Men all over the world whine and carry on about the infestation of long hair. They might love the long locks, but they sure do complain when it’s found clinging to their shirts, in their socks and taking over the bathroom sink. And there is rarely a brother who hasn’t pulled a gunky rope of hair and debris out of the shower drain at some point in time.

So, what to do about the hair?

Here are a few ideas to save you the headache of clogged drains:

Brush your hair before having a shower

Another simple help is brushing your hair before jumping in the shower. Particularly if you have long hair, a thorough brushing can shake out any loose hair before it heads down your drains.

A hair catcher Preventing Hair Building In Drain - Hair Catcher

Yep, such a thing actually exists. There are a variety of types that are easily available from hardware stores or online. In a way, these little devices can be thought of like a miniature colander. There are also varieties that look like a chain that hangs down the drain. As the hair runs down the drain with the water it gets tangled around the chain so it’s easy to be removed.

Pull out debris once a week

No matter how simple this tip is, it really will help prevent hair from building up and clogging your drains. Whilst you might not be able to catch it all, this will be a good start to keeping your drains clear preventing hours of frustration. Using a bent wire coat hanger as a hook can be one of the most effective ways to snag the debris. If you have a drain that is not removable, you can use tweezers to get a grip on those nasty ropes of hair.

Flush your drains once a month

Once a month, give your drains a little TLC but giving them a thorough flush. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Bleach

Pour half a cup of bleach down your drain before you go to bed. The following morning run some warm water to flush it down.

  1. Hot water

Firstly, don’t use boiling water. Boiling water can damage HDPE pipes. You don’t need a huge amount of water. A large potful will do the trick.

Preventing Hair Build Up - Hair Caught In Drain

  1. Professional Drain Solutions

If you’re struggling with water pooling around your feet in the shower, you might require a more drastic approach. Using a chemical solution made for drains could save you a call out fee.

Call a plumber

When your maintenance strategies and quick fixes just don’t cut the mustard, it’s time to call a professional. It could be that you already have a blockage of hair and gunk in your drains so all the prevention under the sun will not fix the problem. A thorough clean out will set you up to keep your drains clean going forward. We also handle other blockages including tree roots and sewer line clogs as well as commercial plumbing, high rise plumbing, medium density plumbing and residential plumbing systems.

When a professional is required, make the smart choice and contact Limcora on 1300 006 606.

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