Owner Builders: Why You Need a Grey Water System

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Why Have A Grey Water System

Building your dream home? While waste-water may not seem like a glamorous topic, installing a greywater system will have untold benefits for generations to come – financially and environmentally – and your garden will LOVE you for it!

But first, what is greywater? We’re glad you asked.

Greywater is wastewater from non-toilet or kitchen plumbing fixtures, such as non-kitchen sinks, showers and taps. Greywater is perfect for use in the garden, flushing the toilet and washing clothes, saving households bucketloads of water (literally!)

Grey Water Systems

Save Water, Save Money

Onsite greywater systems help reduce water usage by redirecting greywater back through non-drinking water taps. So instead of watering your garden or flushing the toilet with potable (drinkable) water, you’ll be using greywater. Because really, who wants to be flushing drinkable water down the toilet?!

Regulations around reusing wastewater differ, depending on where you live but our trusty team will be able to guide you through the process of navigating regulations, choosing a suitable water reuse system and installing your system, to best practise standards.

Survive The Drought

Grey Water System - Sprinklers

There are so many advantages to greywater systems, including lower water usage and cheaper water bills, the ability to irrigate the garden throughout drought and water restrictions, reduction of pollution contribution to waterways and decreasing the demand on your local sewage infrastructure.

Installing the correct greywater system during the building stage is an investment which will pay dividends – promise!

Call us today to discuss your options and to learn more about how we can help you have a smooth, environmentally friendly and cost-effective owner-build experience.

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