Installing Plumbing & Drainage: Why Hiring an Expert Matters

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Installing plumbing and drainage

Have you ever thought about what it really takes to be a plumber? As with becoming an expert in any other field, extensive training and study are required. On the job training – an apprenticeship – is followed through for four years, while study for a Certificate III in plumbing is also acquired in that time.

Study is undertaken in areas of:

  • Fire protection
  • Drainage
  • Gasfitting
  • Mechanical service
  • Irrigation (non-agricultural)
  • Roofing (stormwater)
  • Water supply
  • Sanitary

Once you’ve completed your Certificate III and become a registered plumber you need to go on and complete a Certificate IV in Plumbing Services to become a licensed plumber. This needs to be done in order to complete work without the supervision of a licensed plumber. Further study and on-the-job experience are needed to then specialise in a specific area.

As you can see from the requirements to become a licensed plumber, plumbing and drainage is no walk in the park. In order to be confident in attempting any plumbing work, there is much groundwork to be done (pun intended).

Plumbing and Drainage Experts

What to look for when hiring a plumber

As a client looking for the best company to work with for all your project’s plumbing and drainage you need to know that whoever you’re working with:

  • Understands the scope of the work required
  • Has the skills, expertise and knowledge necessary
  • Will communicate effectively and collaborate as needed
  • Is reliable
  • Works efficiently and values quality

Part of any expert’s job is having the knowledge of what is supposed to happen behind the scenes, or in our case, behind the walls, or under the ground.

Some of the questions we ask

What are the plumbing codes and standards that must be achieved to pass inspection?

Have the materials used all been up to code?

Have the tools been maintained appropriately and remain up-to-scratch?

Are all health and safety measures being followed?

In the area being worked in have council regulations been upheld? 

Have all relevant forms been filed, and paperwork been completed before works have commenced?

Are the correct plans and blueprints being used? When problems arise are they being solved efficiently and without affecting the plan?

When you have an expert on your team you know that the job you’ve asked them to do will be done. Not only that, but the job will achieve the standard you require and without blowing out your timeline or budget.

When working with Limcora, you can be assured that you’re working with an expert in the industry. We know the answers to all these questions, and we are happy to talk them through with you. Our commitment to quality, efficiency and communication means our expertise will serve you in every area. Give us a call on 1300 006 606.

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