Baby wipes are causing headaches for plumbers everywhere, here’s why!

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Baby Wipes Causing Plumbing Problems

We all love baby wipes. Let’s face it, they’re convenient, disposable and cheap.

Compared to the old-fashioned types of washcloths, we all know why baby wipes are the more appealing choice when it comes to cleaning up after babies. Wipes provide the most convenient way of cleaning up unavoidable messes. They’re handily packaged to be compact, they’re cheap and you can piff them out when you’re done without having to take stinky washers with you.

And they’re not just for babies. For toddlers, they are perfect for cleaning up sticky hands and faces. But don’t be fooled! Just because they’re convenient and disposable doesn’t mean they are the best choice for a quick clean up. Here’s why;

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Unfortunately, when baby wipe manufacturers decided to label their wipes as ‘flushable’, they didn’t consult the professionals. Plumbers all over the country are being called out to deal with an epidemic of clogged drains due to baby wipes and other personal wipes. On the topic of ‘flushable’ baby wipes, a Sydney Water employee stated, “Technically my phone is flushable, but that doesn’t mean it should go down the toilet”. Yes, you can certainly flush the wipes, but that doesn’t mean you should.

Don't Flush Baby Wipes

Baby wipes have a knack for getting stuck

A quick Google search on ‘baby wipes’ and ‘plumbing’ will make you aware that baby wipes are not friends with your plumbing. Whilst they may actually flush and disappear from view, that doesn’t mean they’ve disappeared for good. In fact, they may not even make it off your property to the main sewer network. Baby wipes have a knack of getting caught in your main sewer line. If one gets stuck, then a second one will get stuck to the first. On and on it goes until you have a clog the size of a softball in your pipes.

A clog in your main sewer line can result in expensive, invasive and messy repairs in your front yard. And if a sizeable bill for repairs is not enough of a deterrent for you, imagine having your pipes back up and spew raw sewage all over your backyard. Talk about a way to ruin your weekend!

Sewage repairs = Rate Increases

Assuming flushed baby wipes make it off your property, they can then wreak havoc on council sewage networks and water treatment plants. The more repairs that are required by councils, the more chance there is that your rates will increase.

The Plumbers rule of thumb – The Three P’s

Majority of plumbing professionals agree that the only things that should be flushed down a toilet are ‘pee, poop, and paper’. If you want to keep your repair bills and plumbing stress to a minimum, don’t flush baby wipes.

If you have been flushing baby wipes (which many people have been doing), don’t fret! A bit of plumbing maintenance now can reduce the chance of major repairs down the track. The team at Limcora can help clean out any build up of baby wipes so your plumbing is running smoothly again. Give the friendly professionals at Limcora a call on 1300 006 606 or why request a quote. One of our team members will be in touch with you straight away to discuss your needs.

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